This poster was designed for me by one of the talented students in the class Makesi Aquan. His unique style of drawing and composition added a cool take on the poster. In this design Makesi wanted to sell the idea of the battle between the two elements in my film.

This was my original poster design for the Movie. I Tried to sum up what the entire spirit of the film was about in one image. The hand gripping the TV remote in front have a static background seemed like the best option at the time.
 This poster was designed my another student from the class Nicholas St Rose. The Art design was exceptional however I was unable to use it in marketing

This was my final design attempt. I had always liked movie posters that  utilized black colors effectively. My attempt here was to generate some type of mystery for the film hence the use of the slime green font. I always tried to incorporate some of my 3d  MAYA training in this one .